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Showing posts from January, 2023

Brother and Sister marry Brother and Sister

  As you know, I'm a bit fixated on the brother/sister marry brother/sister situation that occurred in our family.  Our grandparents, Eleanor "Lillie" Motier and Edward M. Keating, married and their siblings George Basil Motier and Mary A. Keating also married.  This just raises all kinds of questions for me, most of which cannot be answered, but I did some digging to find out a few things.  First, did the Motiers and the Keatings know each other in Davenport?   I have no idea.  Both families lived in Davenport and I think they went to the same church, but did they know each other?  Can't say.  Probably. Why did the two families move to Chicago?   I think we can now say that Edward M. moved to Chicago for job prospects, particularly working in the Columbian Exposition.  Did George Motier also work in the Exposition?  No idea. His father, Joseph, had a brick business, but did that end when Joseph died (in 1880) or did older brothers get that business? No idea.  But I d